Monday, December 31, 2012

Test Grow - Germination

Today, I start the test grow! Like the background info says, this is some bagseed that I found in one of my jars, and I figured it would be the perfect chance to test my tent, lighting equipment, and ventilation, as well as get used to the process of growing, and seeing how the plant reacts to the changes I make.

As for the germination process itself, I went off of what I remembered, instead of looking it up like an intelligent individual would. I wet some paper towels, put the seed in between, set it on a plate, and put it in the cupboard. I totally ignored the fact that water will evaporate at room temperature, and didn't cover the plate. Also, being in Colorado where our relative humidity is somewhere between 20 and 25% most of the time didn't help either.

So, what happened? Well, the paper towels dried out, and I thought it was over before it began. I then found a different method, where you place the damp paper towels and seeds in plastic bag. This keeps the moisture in, but I'm not sure if the seed needs to be able to breathe. So, I'm opening the bag every few hours to let it get some fresh air.

No pictures since it's just a seed in some wet paper towels in a bag. Here's to hoping she pops!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Test Grow - Background Information

Hello all, and welcome to my very first grow! And, I don't mean my first cannabis grow, I mean my first time growing anything at all!

This first grow is basically going to be a test of my equipment, and to get me used to working with plants. This grow consists of one plant, that will be grown from some bagseed that came in my White Noise container from my local dispensary. According to the dispensary, White Noise is a sativa dominant strain, but that's about the most information I can get.

It appears to be a custom/house strain from this dispensary, so I'm hoping for the best. The smoke was mild, heady, and a slight bit euphoric. Good work cannabis as it didn't make me tired/sleepy or light headed/disoriented.

I'll be growing in soil instead of the DWC/hydro buckets that I have, as it seems to be a bit easier, and I didn't have any rockwool cubes when decided to start. And since I decided to start right around a holiday, all the specialty grow stores are closed, and I have to rely on Miracle Grow potting soil from Home Depot.

I plan to move the plant into some higher quality soil once she (wishful thinking) outgrows the Solo cup. Hopefully that will work, but who knows. I have nothing invested in this little plant except my time, so if she doesn't make it, I won't be too mad. That being said though, I'll be doing my absolute best to make sure she makes it to harvest (if she even is a female, and doesn't hermie on me).

Feel free to comment or send me a message with any questions. I'll do my best to answer them! That's all for now. See you soon!

-Ginga Ninja